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About us

As a modern service company for sustainable mobility, we plan, coordinate, finance and order public transport in Tyrol. In short, we shape the future of our state.

We are mobility

A modern, service-oriented company for sustainable mobility.

Continually expanding our mobility offers is a central element. As a result, Car-sharing, on-call buses, or on-call collective taxis will be more strongly integrated into the VVT offers.

The focus for the coming years will be: The needs of our customers, digitalisation in sales, maximum cost-effectiveness. A state-wide passenger count is one concrete measure among many.

Together with our partners, we develop transport concept offers that are needs-based, high-quality and secure. We also develop attractive fares for our customers.

Thanks to our modern sales system, we guarantee contemporary customer management and we network new forms of mobility with existing offers. Additionally, we support alternative means and operating modes and make public transport more attractive.

As a Tyrolean platform for mobility, we endeavour to convince as many people as possible to transition to sustainable mobility.

See more of Tyrol

To the most beautiful places in Tyrol with the public transport. Here is an offer from our videos.

Multimedia VVT Öffensichtlich von Vorteil

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